I am an Christian, a father of two, a lover of all things Holy, a lover of God and His Son Jesus Christ. This Blog is devoted to help you grow in the knowledge of God and in His grace and mercy.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Are you a Genuine Christian? (Please Share)
Are you a genuine Christian?
I am going to give you 5 ways to know you are a genuine
Christian. The Bible says to examine our faith to make sure we are in the
faith. Won’t you do that today? If not let me lead you closer to God and His
Son Jesus Christ.
You were called by God. The Bible says you were
called with a Holy calling. Not necessarily someone told you God loves you or
told you to believe, but you heard the gospel inwardly and God revealed Himself
to you. You understood He is Holy and you were a helpless sinner. Christ as a
sacrifice was offered for your pardon and God gave you faith to believe.
Fear God. Upon conversion you were immediately
filled with the Fear of God. It is to hate sin or to want no part of it.
Love God (By obeying his commands) and love the
brethren. You love obeying God and it is not grievous to you. You also love all
true brothers and sisters that stand up for God’s Holy Word and love Jesus.
You believe Jesus is the Christ or Son of God.
(Also God in the flesh) You will never come off the reality that it is Jesus
alone that gets you into heaven and what he did. No one will be able to take
Him from you. If you lose everything but Him you would still be OK.
You love the Word of God (The Bible) You love
God’s word and defend it no matter what. You don’t defend your own opinion or
what you think it says. You defend God’s word doing this truly means you defend
Christ Jesus since He is the Word of God.
Do these 5 characteristics belong to you? Do you no longer
take pleasure in sin? Do you hate sin and long to be Holy if so examine
yourself to make certain you are a Christian. It sure sounds like you are. May
God bless you and count you worthy of His Call.
Your Brother In Christ,
James Peters
Friday, October 24, 2014
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