Thursday, April 23, 2015

Modern Churches Want Everything But God

Dear Readers,

I have been noticing lately so many talking about how God loves them, how God is good, how God wants to bless them. I see entertainment going on in the church. It is very sad to me. When we look at scripture every one who had a true legitimate encounter with God the first thing they said was never OH God loves me, or OH God bless me. It is always they tremble in Fear because of God's HOLINESS. I hear pastors say OH God is here can you feel Him? Oh if you cannot feel him you must not be saved. Really God is here? If God showed up everyone in the building would be trembling with Fear and repenting in dust and ashes. 

I am tired of people not understanding who God is. The beginning of knowledge of God is understanding His Holiness. Most say I know God is Holy, yet they have no true comprehension of what that means. When you begin to see God in His Holiness you cannot help but Fear Him. You cannot help but see yourself as the sinner you are. You see His terrifying wrath, his aweful judgment, and even hell. It is only when we come to the throne of grace that we can see mercy, truth, Jesus, forgiveness, God's love, hope, faith, and goodness. They both go hand in hand though. You cannot have one without the other. 

Let us walk in the light so that Jesus blood cleanses us from all sin. Let us understand who God is and that His Holiness is so mighty so awe inspiring that we must Fear Him. That we must honor Him in everything we do and say. Do not forget if you are born again the Holy God of heaven lives within you. Do not subject Him to evils and to sin. He has given you power over sin that you may take dominion over sin. Trust in Jesus and pray and read scripture. Grow to become a mature Christian.

If anyone or any pastor is telling jokes, stories, providing entertainment, not doing everything they can to bring you into perfection which is what they are commanded to do. Shun them. Run from then. They are not true men of God. 

If there is sin or willful rebellion in your life and you walk into a church and are not convicted and afraid. Run. There is nothing Holy there.

God bless and keep you.

Your brother in Christ,

James Peters Sr.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Do Babies That Die Go To Heaven?

Dear Readers,

Today I had a very lengthy discussion with some other believers that defended the position that some infants and unborn babies go to hell. I was baffled in my mind that they would take such a position. I spoke about the fact that all of us are born into sin however God sends one to hell not because of Adam's sin but because of our own personal sin and rebellion. I challenged some of the people that took the position that babies go to hell with the following.

2Sa 12:22  And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether GOD will be gracious to me, that the child may live?
2Sa 12:23  But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.

In this passage David is clearly saying that one day he will go to heaven with the child and with God. This is very clear.

I then spoke about the sin unto death and the reality of the wrath of God on all who persist in willful sin.

Jas 1:13  Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
Jas 1:14  But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Jas 1:15  Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

I proceeded with what the Bible talks about and how all of us are responsible for our own sin and are thrown into hell because of it.

I asked if one could show where we are thrown into hell or under God's wrath because of Adam's sin and no one defended the position with the scripture but attacked my character and said I was wrong.

I will defend the scripture and I know God is a just God. All infants and children that have died are in heaven. They did not choose sin. Even though they were dead in sin just as David's baby went to heaven so do our small children. God has had mercy on them. The truth is most that grow up continue in sin and do not make heaven. Being a child that God has had mercy on and is now in heaven is far greater than living 100 years and ending up in hell.

If you have a child that has died or ever had a miscarriage. I truly believe you can take comfort that God has saved your child and if you are born again you will one day spend eternity with that child. If not you must repent and turn from sin and fling yourself at Jesus Christ that he may have mercy on you.

God Bless,

James Peters Sr.