Sunday, April 3, 2011


If you are a Christian and have truly been born again, it is very difficult to not notice how modern Church has become very lukewarm. Sometimes I think that we are all sleeping and will soon wake up, but I begin to wonder when? So many of us get saved and forget that we can fall away and end up in hell just like anyone else. We must remain in the faith and that means to have an active, living, vibrant faith that changes other peoples lives.

Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spue you out of my mouth.

So many of us forget that if we are not hot for Jesus it is going to be very difficult to make it to heaven. Without having the love for Jesus burning in our hearts, sin will creep in and defile us. Once that happens it becomes difficult to turn back to him. Let us remember that we are saved, we are righteous because of the blood of Christ and not because of our own works or righteousness. Let us move on to good works by faith and really make an impact in those lives that surround us.

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